Read And Follow The Directions On The Label
Durasole is formulated and intended for use only on the equine frog and sole. When applying, wear safety lenses and liquid impermeable gloves. Do not breathe vapors. Do not smoke, eat, or drink while applying. Harmful or fatal if swallowed. If spilled on the skin, remove immediately with isopropyl alcohol; if splashed in the eyes, flush with water and seek medical attention immediately. Keep out of reach of children. Flammable, keep away from sparks or open flames. Do not apply above the sole of the foot, keep it below the hairline of the leg, to be used on the sole and frog ONLY.
Consult Your Equine Professional
For the best results please contact your equine professional to determine a treatment plan best suited for your horse. Durasole can make a difference with just one application, and in some casess it may take many more applications to get to the desired sole hardness.
To Toughen The Sole & Frog
Clean the foot with a hoof pick, paying careful attention to the lateral and medial sulcus of the frog, followed by vigorous wire brushing of the entire solar area. For maximum effectiveness, the sole and frog must be clean and dry before the product is applied. Apply Durasole dropwise, and disperse with a brush (old toothbrush) until the entire sole and frog are darker in color. Apply twice daily for the first week; once daily during the second week; twice weekly thereafter.
To Transition From Shod To Barefooted
Clean the foot with a hoof pick, paying careful attention to the lateral and medial sulcus of the frog, followed by vigorous wire brushing of the entire solar area. For maximum effectiveness, the sole and frog must be clean and dry before the product is applied.
Apply Durasole dropwise, and disperse with a brush (old toothbrush) until the entire sole and frog are darker in color. After shoes are pulled and feet are first trimmed, apply three times daily for the first two weeks; twice daily during the third week, once daily during the fourth week; and twice weekly thereafter.
Other Possible Application Processes
A hair dryer, heat gun, or similar tool may be used to speed up the process to completely dry the frog and sole, apply Durasole while the solar surface is still warm and disperse with a brush (old toothbrush) until the sole is uniformly discolored, the solar surface of the hoof is fully saturated and the product begins to pool instead of being absorbed.
You will be amazed at the results! Repeat the process: Wire brush, heat, apply Durasole, and spread with a brush until the solar surface of the foot is completely saturated. After two or three applications, your wire brush will begin to skid across the sole instead of roughing its surface which means Durasole is causing the cell membranes of the exfoliating sole to thicken and swell; in effect, forming a living pad.
Repeat the above process as outlined at least six times daily during the first week; four times daily for the next two weeks; then twice daily as long as the horse is in training. The results will be both immediate and long lasting.
Apply At Every Trim Or Shoeing
If applied every time the horse has been trimmed or shod Durasole can help in the prevention of thrush and whiteline disease.
Durasole can safely be used on horses that will be tested for performance-altering substances because it does not contain any substance prohibited for topical use by the Fédération Equestre Internationale, Association of State Racing Commissioners International, National Association of State Racing Commissioners, United States Equestrian Federation, United States Dressage Federation, or the rules of any other commission governing breed and/or discipline competition.
Feel free to reach out to us directly with any other questions or concerns.
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DURASOLE is a trade mark of DURASOLE LLC
All trademarks, service marks and trade names (e.g., the DURASOLE name) are owned, and/or licensed by DURASOLE LLC. You do not acquire a license or any ownership rights to any trademarks, service marks, or trade names through your access or use of the Platform or Content.